Showing 4 Result(s)

Your life is NOT a mess!

“My life is a mess!” You sometimes say it as a joke. Sometimes you are deadly serious and feeling hopeless and overwhelmed. But regardless of the mood in which you say it, comments like this are programming your brain to believe and find evidence of the thought. When you say something like “my life is …

What belief do you have about your goal?

Stop and think about your big goal. Your dream. If you had to dig deep what’s your belief about that goal? Do you believe you can definitely do it? Is it inevitable? Or do you think other people can do it but there’s a whole lot of reasons you can’t? Do you believe it’s easy …

Excel in life with a life coach

Elite athletes want to excel at their sport. Elite athletes have coaches to help them reach their highest potential. The athlete has the skill and the talent, but the coach can see things from another perspective. The coach has tools and strategies to offer when the athlete is struggling or when they’ve reached a plateau. …