How compassion can transform your life

Your alarm went off this morning and you cursed yourself. The abuse was endless: you stayed up too late, had that extra glass of wine, hit snooze six times already. Fool, fool, fool. Then that jerk in the parking lot really set your day off. Of course he had to take the spot you were heading …

When you need to adjust the goal posts

I knew that going back to work, staying organised at home, building my business and sticking to my blog schedule was going to be challenging. I wasn’t wrong. I’ve been back at work for just over a week. I’ve already missed two blogs, several networking opportunities and some business-building tasks that I had planned. Between …

Regain your work life balance

I have another job besides my Fly Life Personal Development coaching. Today is my first day back at work after 12 months maternity leave. I know, starting back on a Friday is weird. But that’s just how it worked out with my leave dates. And I’m actually kinda glad… only one day of shock to …

Why “Don’t Look Back” is Bad Advice

People will often tell you: “Don’t look back,” especially when you’re about to take a big leap. When you’re unsure whether you’ve made the right choice, you’ll hear “Don’t look back”. You’ll even whisper it to yourself when you’re trying not to be scared about the decision you’ve just made. In a previous post I …

Thanks for your support so far

This week I reached 100 Likes on my Facebook page. I’m so grateful to each and every one of you for liking my page so far. Which category do you fit? You’ve probably Liked my page for one of these reasons: You’re totally into self-improvement and keen to keep up with my news, tips, offers, …

Judgmental or Courageous?

I came across a post on a Facebook group for mums that really got me thinking… This post isn’t about having the answers. It’s just a question I think is worth thinking about. When should we mind our own business and when should we have the courage to step in? The poster was asking for …

When you want to quit your goal

Six years ago, I set myself a goal of completing a university degree. Six thousand times since then, I thought about quitting. And this week I graduated. I want to share with you some of the obstacles I faced, and why I did not quit my goal. He told me I was useless My ex-boyfriend, …